2009: Garden begun by Intel employees to serve local food banks. Cleared the ground and constructed first five beds.

2010: Expanded as nine Intel departments planted in 22 raised beds.
2011: First greenhouse constructed and Garden opened to City residents.

2013: Second greenhouse built and Hydroponics experiments began.
2014: Hydroponics success led to seven large beds for year round production. DCG recognized with “Best Community Garden” award by Pierce County.

2015: Membership grows and Garden has a record harvest of over 9000 lbs. 7500 lbs donated to food banks.
2016: Intel announced exit from DuPont; DCG worked with City to secure a new site for the Garden.
2017: Moved two greenhouses, 80 beds and 300 cubic yards of soil to the new home of the garden on Powerline Road.

2019: It was time to celebrate our 10th anniversary.

2020: Garden provides a safe outdoor space for gardeners to work following strict COVID-19 distancing rules.
2021: Was another successful year with a record number of new gardening members.